Friday 4 October 2024

So Grateful for True Patriots

It is hard to put into words how much my heart aches for all the families whose lives have been irrevocably altered by the ongoing destruction and loss brought about through Hurricane Helene's fury. It is equally difficult to read or hear reports coming from honest men and women not associated with the mass media--which is controlled by global elites and their cronies. However, I am incredibly thankful to have been made aware of conservative and military news platforms whose anchors and reporters are not afraid to risk reputation, loss of job or even their lives to keep those who are ready to hear what is really going on informed. The events of the past week that so closely resemble the happenings in Hawaii a little over a year ago--only far more widely spread and destructive--are just further proof of Satan's control over the lives of men and women who seek money and power in exchange for promoting atrocities that can only be conceived while under the evil one's direct influence.

Time will eventually prove the truth behind the things I have been learning the past few days since I have no doubt that God will prevail and those who worship Satan will one-day face the consequences of the atrocities they have helped to foster among his beloved children. We have already been made fully aware of how our current administration is facing such a tragedy involving our own tax paying and country-loving citizens. While vacationing at his beach property as usual, President Biden's only show of compassion and concern was telling reporters that he was being briefed before storming out the room. Meanwhile, Harris was doing additional fundraising with her wealthy and influential supporters in Hollywood and Las Vegas and couldn't be bothered with her fellow countrymen who have lost everything while she was receiving accolades and having fun. Her only comment this week was that they were doing everything they can and the people involved COULD APPLY for $750 through FEMA.

What a slap in the face to be told that FEMA is out of money and can't even fund the rest of the fiscal year after spending billions of that departments allocated dollars to house, feed, clothe and educate illegals--thousands of them convicted felons. When tabulated, the amount given to each illegal is $9,000 and that is just the beginning. That announcement followed a gleeful Harris and Biden raising their arms together in unified satisfaction after sending billions more dollars in aide to Ukraine and Israel while suffering Americans were being left without water, food, medical care or the prospect of ever being rescued. According to one source, Biden signed all foreign and domestic policy over to Harris on October 3, 2024.

Reports are now coming in of a helicopter pilot being told by named officials that he would be arrested if he went looking for more survivors without sanction. He had just brought in a disabled woman and had left his copilot with her husband. He went back for others anyway. And what about the 1,000 troops fully prepared for deployment to help in rescue efforts being told to stand down by FEMA region 4 and Governor Roy Cooper? Law enforcement in Asheville, NC, are reported as having warned business owners that they could be arrested for attempting to recover items from their damaged establishment while organized looters have nothing to fear. 

Last night CNN cut off an Asheville spokesman when she started to criticize the response from Roy Cooper and Biden. The majority of very limited federal and state assets are being diverted to incorporated areas while more rural locals are being left to survive on their own if possible. Bodies of every age including babies are floating down rivers and children as young as three are walking through the mud, nearly naked and crying for their parents. Some still have ropes tied to their arms that are attached to broken lumber--thought to be a last ditch attempt by parents to save their lives. 

According to a lineman who was trying to restore power, heads and limbs of the deceased are being uncovered every time debris is removed and entire communities are simply gone with nothing left to repair. There is a horrible stench that is increasing by the day. In some areas, local citizens are organizing, patrolling their own areas and trying to keep the looters from causing more havoc.  According to persons wanting to help, volunteers are being sent away and entire communities, like Chimney Rock, NC, are being bulldozed without even trying to account for deaths. In Chandler, NC, 2,000 residents have been without food or water for 6 days and just got an SOS message out for help since all communication has been disrupted. There have been incidences of FEMA and the Red Cross claiming money that is being personally delivered to high schools and other center points in the area for recovery and humanitarian efforts. 

And here's a real kicker! Besides the residents of Chimney Rock, NC, being told that their town was being covered by earth, they were informed that the homes that were still standing were no longer theirs and the federal government owned it all. Is it just just a coincidence that there are lithium mines and the Burra Burra copper mine with its thousand of acres at the junction of Tennessee, Georgia and North Carolina? Or that high-purity quartz mines owned by Sibelco North America and The Quartz--the only places where certain materials used in making make semiconductors are found--are also in the same geographical area?

I'll leave you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions since I am simply an information messenger. But I am fully aware that our mortgages are written in terms that give the government the justifiable right to seize any property they desire regardless of whether or not it has been fully paid for. We are known as tenants, not owners, and that leaves us horribly vulnerable to any entity that chooses to do evil.

The timing on so many unbelievable events that have occurred recently is more than just suspicious and may take years to unravel, but I must contrast what I have written above with how President Trump responded to Hurricane Helene. Within in hours he was standing with the people who were in shock and suffering while the Biden and Harris camp were too busy enjoying themselves to show even an ounce of compassion towards our unfortunate brothers and sisters who were going through the worst days of the their lives. He brought a message of hope, compassion and love along with truckloads of food, water and much-needed supplies. He gave 25 million dollars of his own money to help in rescue and survival and made the open promise that he would not stop until everyone was accounted for and people were able to resume living as best they could. Elon Musk said he would use Star Link to make sure everyone had a means for connecting with others, only to have his generous offer thwarted by the Biden-Harris team. 

Whatever your personal feelings about the man himself, one cannot deny President Trump's love for America, his compassion for others and willingness to put himself in harms way to fulfill promises made. He is a man of action, of iron will when it comes to protecting America and her people, and he is willing to lose everything in defending the freedom and liberty so many persons within our borders take so blithely for granted. After two full-on attempts to take his life--and several others than were foiled before fruition--he stands tall and unstoppable in his beliefs that we are a country too good to be lost to ideologies that only want to destroy liberty. America is just a shell of what it was during his presidency, and I pity those who brandish unmitigated hate while making the decision at the ballot box. I firmly believe they will rue their actions one day. 

I close with a message of hope, joy and the belief that righteousness will prevail. We are in perilous times, but we are not alone unless we chose to be. This is God's country, built to secure inalienable rights for us and the ability to shed the light of freedom on all persons of the world who long for what we have. But those freedoms are not without cost to those of us who have enjoyed such glorious bounty. We are being asked to stand with the patriots who are fighting a war unlike any other in history and the cost if we lose is unfathomable. 

I encourage each of you to reach outside your comfort zone in letting others know how you truly feel. God will sustain you as he is doing countless patriots like President Trump, Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson, JD Vance and millions of other like-minded persons who have outwardly chosen freedom over tyranny. The globalists are running scared but that only means they will use every method and means available to stop us from letting the truth be known. I understand the fear of taking a stand. Each time I write a post I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that someone with a far leftist viewpoint could come after me, but then I remind myself that I am here to serve God and remaining quiet is only giving my approval as to what is going on in the country I love and hardly recognize any more.

Stay safe! Pray always and know that God and our Savior live! Do everything you can to help save our great republic. Let hope replace fear and feel gratitude for being here to watch prophesy be fulfilled.  

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